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AG Seidel | AG Greife | AG von Rybinski
Publikationen | AG von Rybinski

  1. Structures of adsorption layers of surfactant mixtures on nonpolar solid surfaces.
    von Rybinski, W., Jabnoun, M., van Megen, J., Oesterhelt, F., Seidel, C. A. M.
    Colloid Polym. Sci. 293, 3107-3117 (2015)
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  2. High adsorptive Properties of Covalent Triazine-based Frameworks (CTFs) for Surfactants from Aqueous Solution.
    Bhunia, A., Dey, S., Bous, M., Zhang, C., von Rybinski, W., Janiak, C.
    Chem. Commun. 51, 484-486 (2015)
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  3. On the Influence of Surfactants on the Adsorption of Polysaccharide-Based Polymers on Cotton Studied by Means of Fluorescence Spectroscopy.
    Hoffmann, I., Theile, M., Grätz, S., Scholz, J., Barreleiro, P., von Rybinski, W., Gradzielski, M.
    Langmuir 28 (31), 11400-11409 (2012)
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  4. Adsorption Isotherms of Cellulose-Based Polymers onto Cotton Fibers Determined by Means of a Direct Method of Fluorescence Spectroscopy.
    Hoffmann, I., Oppel, C., Gernert, U., Barreleiro, P., von Rybinski, W., Gradzielski, M.
    Langmuir 28 (20), 7695-7703 (2012)
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  5. The influence of polymers, surfactants and salt on the fine structure of cotton revealed by SANS.
    Hoffmann, I., Oppel, C., Prévost, S., Gernert, U., Barreleiro, P., von Rybinski, W., Gradzielski, M.
    Colloids Surf. B 91, 175-180 (2012)
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  6. Dynamic surface tension of surfactant systems and its relation to foam formation and liquid film drainage on solid surfaces.
    Buzzacchi, M., Schmiedel, P., von Rybinski, W.
    Colloids Surf. A 273, 47-54 (2006)
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  7. Structure and Dynamics of Surfactant-based Foams.
    Engels, T., von Rybinski, W., Schmiedel, P.
    Progr. Colloid Polymer Sci. 111, 117-126 (1998)
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  8. Phase Behavior, Lyotropic Phases, and Flow Properties of Alkyl Glycosides in Aqueous Solution.
    Platz, G., Poelike, J., Thunig, Ch., Hofmann, R., Nickel, D., von Rybinski, W.
    Langmuir 11 (11), 4250-4255 (1995)
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  9. Influence of Microemulsion Phases on the Preparation of Fine-disperse Emulsions.
    Förster, Th., von Rybinski, W., Wadle, A.
    Adv. in Colloid and Interfaces Sci. 58, 119-149 (1995)
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Prof. Dr. Wolfgang von Rybinski